hello peeps! this is a blog about my personal life, my thoughts, my emotions as well as to share my point of view of just everything in this world. If it gets too boring, do tell me yeah!
Hello hello you alls.
My boyfriend is Kim Hyun Joong.
Please don't take him away from me.
Oh, and welcome to my blog :)
what about me?
- Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
- I am a girl. Quite a lasak girl. I am usually quiet and seldomly loud,I am shy sometimes but I am always confident. I'm a little matured than my age I guess. I'm the type of person who don't always make the first move in everything and prefer others to approach me. LOVE foods, adventures, travel, and shopping. But I don't always do the latter one, since my plan now is to save my moolah! Pity me:( Okay, that's all. Oh, one more, I like to smile. :))
Saturday, April 3, 2010
found him!
Oh my Gucci! i'm so happy! i just found someone that i've been looking for since yesteryear. He's cute, handsome and gorgeous. Bahagianyaaa aaaa takpa takpa suka ja tengok dia. Takda niat lain pun. Ngeeeee :D
run, run,run faster!

fuh fuh fuhhh, i'm running, yeahh, yeah, i'm running as fast as i can. fuhh fuhhh fuhhhhh.
ambik nafas kejap.penat ni. bersengkang mata berjam-jam di depan lappy yang lembab memang memenatkan sambil mengejar masa yang makin lama makin suntuk.
ideas ideas, come to me please. selalunya kalau last minit baru nak datang.hampeh betoi!
ok lah. sambung lari balik! jom ikut, taknak sudah.
adios amigos zaijian bye bye!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
i've been under a lot of stress lately.
stress dengan assignments yang berderet-deret perlu disiapkan.
stress dengan....umphh takpela tak nak cakap di sini.
stress dengan perangai manusia yang kadang-kadang tidak sedar akan kelemahan mereka, walaupun selepas ditegur berkali-kali.
p/s: mommy i need you. i know u see me as a strong girl, but deep inside, i really want to tell you everything, everything. but i just can't. I love you.
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