Hello hello you alls.

My boyfriend is Kim Hyun Joong.
Please don't take him away from me.
Oh, and welcome to my blog :)

what about me?

My photo
Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
I am a girl. Quite a lasak girl. I am usually quiet and seldomly loud,I am shy sometimes but I am always confident. I'm a little matured than my age I guess. I'm the type of person who don't always make the first move in everything and prefer others to approach me. LOVE foods, adventures, travel, and shopping. But I don't always do the latter one, since my plan now is to save my moolah! Pity me:( Okay, that's all. Oh, one more, I like to smile. :))


Friday, March 19, 2010

Love the World. Love Sloggi too!

Today, I'd like to blog about the world of ours, the world where we live and the world that gives me fresh air to breath, many opportunities to learn, to experience and to be part of someone's life.

What i like and loooove the most about the world are: the world have the good and the bad things. Frankly saying, if only the good peoples live in this world, it will be boring, yeah, boring and I'll be weaker than what I am today. No bad experiences means no life isn't it? :)

Engaging in entrepreneurship club during school

classmates in Diploma

my graduation day :))

Kim Hyun Joong, my sweet dream ;)

Well, let's gone! to the second reason why I love the world :). I know in my religion, in Islam, we have to remember that the world is only a temporary place for humans to live and to practice our beliefs, therefore when we die, we'll be going to the other world. You know-lah what is it kann. Thus, religion is a wonderful thing and a must to love and learn and do, so that we'll be a finely raised individuals. :)

AND YES! i had tell everyone,umm,no,i had included a love for the nature and travel in everything 'about me' columns, forms and FACEBOOK. I know i don't have what it takes to be an avid or a professional traveler, since i haven't travelled to a lot of places yet, but, its the nature, the mountains, the rivers, islands and many many many many magnificent creation by God that makes me want to travel. I haven't seen everything in the world yet, but as i had seen things in Malaysia, the beauty of Mount Kinabalu, the trails of Mount Santubong, the coral reefs in Mamutik Island, the beauty of Sibu Island and Taiping, Cameron Highlands etc etc, i was soo mesmerised and loving the nature more and more as i travel. :)

My trip to Mamutik Island, Kota Kinabalu.

Sloggi, yes! I love Sloggi too! :) Why?

Sloggi is stylicious, bodylicious, and good for your body AND to environment too! Why?To save the nature and to reduce the pollution, this product is creatively created by recycled materials! whoops, don't panic! its safe girls! So, you alls! please give in to the environmental awareness and save the environment!

p/s: I'm going to support this one. fighting yasmin! :)))

Thursday, March 18, 2010

balik kampung ho ho hoo

hey kawan-kawan.aku nak balik rumah sekarang. memang dah rasa tak sabar gila nak balik ni. nak tau sebab ape? haha tadi call mak, cakap ngan dia nak balik..pastu mak bagitau si danish zhafran punya last day at my house is tomorrow, then mak agah budak tu, dia ketawa.aaaa aku lemah gila dengar suara zhafran ketawa tu yg nak balik sangat-sangat tu..cute gile tau takkkk. fuuhh. lemahh.hehe. sekarang ni tiba-tiba teringat kat si bedul plak.Abdullah nama die sebenarnye.hehe.

sekarang dia dah umur 2 tahun, dah besar, dah tak rapat dengan aku lagi dah :'(

Ok, sambung balik cite, pastu bleh tak gaduh -gaduh manje ngan alip tadi, aku cakap kat dia nak balik amik bas rapid dari puncak,dia tak bagi.nak hantar gak, tapi nak hantar lambat, lepas asar.camna tu.aku nak sampai rumah cepat2 nak jumpa zhafran.wuwuwuuu :) merajuk, pastu alip mengalah lahh.hehe thank you sayang..

I'm gonna take the earliest bus that i can get at Shah Alam. Bye bye Puncak! see you Sunday! muah

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I have a lazy ass

wehhh. today is the day yg sangat bersejarah. this is because....(macam nak public speaking plak) hari ni hari malas sedunia i.wahaha. malas gile siot, all the classes i ponteng todayy.yeayy. jahatnya yasmin mohamed effendi ni. all i did was sleeping and online. ntah pape. heck! big grin :D

well, other than this, i wanna thank nuri for letting me read your blog and for her entry for my birthday.sungguh xdisangka.hehehe. nuri gave me this lovely pearly whitey necklace :) gonna wear it soon.

and oh, tomorrow maybe nak balik rumah kot! emergency! amik ic yg baru replace n then have fun celebrating abah's becoming birthday :)

I miss them very very very very very much tho baru jumpa mereka last week.tehehee

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

hey kamu! tengok ni!

Kim Hyun Joong
He's my boyfriend.Isn't him handsome and adorable?
haha. dream on girl.dream on :D

Sebenarnya aku nak cerita tentang public speakang,eh speaking,tadi mase BEL490. I think apart from some of the ke-gagap-ness aku tadi, i did my best.cuma aku lupa sket2 through the last sentences.haihh.its ok yasmin, there's one more chance. you can do it!fighting!

yasmin effendi

sudah masuk umur 21 tahun.yeayy!hu?yeayy??aku da tuaaaaaaaaa.noooo.anyway, last 5th march 2010 was a very meaningful date to me as it was the biggest surprise party i had ever received from my friends!wuhoo :)

its quite late for me to post this as today is 16th March (fuhh lambatnye =_=')

thank you to all of you, especially Muhammad Aliff Asyraff, for making this possible and made my day.Muahhx.love you all. And and for those who were not invited, it doesn't mean i don't care, i love you with all my heart and soul.forgive them, maybe they forgot to invite you :)